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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Playing Outside

Nate loves to go swimming. Actually, he just loves to play with water, it doesn't matter where, the bathtub, dog bowl, pool, whatever! The other day, we had just gotten out of bed and I was making Nate some oatmeal while Adah was still sleeping. Before I knew it, Nate was out of sight. I began my search... not getting into the cat liter, good... not playing on the computer, good... not playing in the toilet, good but seriously where is he??? Annoyed, I yell that he better come out right now!!! Then I see it, the back door is cracked! I run outside just in time to catch him climbing into his pool, still full from the day before, in his jammies! He very proudly announced to Daddy that night that he went swimming in his jammies. So, I guess Nate knows how to work the lock on the back door... Well, now I know what it means when someone says "he is all boy." I think that is all the explanation needed for this picture...

Adah Joy is my little sweetie! Her eyes light up and her dimple comes out when she sees her doggies. They pretty much feel that way about anything that breathes so they lone that Adah laughs at them.
We actually bought this swing for Nate's birthday, but go figure, he isn't a huge fan of it. I guess he just doesn't like being contained. Adah, however, loves the swing and being outside.

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts.

    I totally understand the swing comment. We got Caroline one for her first Christmast and to this day, she hardly ever swings. But Charlotte loves it.
